Hi, my name is Chetan. I was diagnosed with renal failure in 2004 during a routine visit to hospital following a very debilitating stroke I had in 2003.
I began Haemodialysis in April 2013. Being on dialysis had its ups and downs. With any new routine, you have to learn to adapt and make the most of the situation. I made some good friends with fellow patients and we continue to keep in touch.
Around that time, I became a member of the WLKPA. Being a designer, I have applied my skills in the rebrand we undertook a few years ago with the new logo, leaflets, posters (and this website). You will also see me volunteering throughout the year for the KPA. Feel free to stop and have a chat if you see me around.
I was blessed with receiving a non-directed altruistic kidney donation in 2015 for which I am truly grateful. My donor and my new kidney are well and I feel great.